Sunday, August 28, 2011

NOTD: Barry M and RVB

I went a bit mad with my nail polish this week, but I think it's kinda quirky! I'm afraid I didn't take pictures of the different stages of the design, soz! I'll do it next time. I used an orange stick (the little wooden sticks used to push back your cuticles) to do the polka dots on my nails and also for the zebra inspired design on my thumb!
Sorry about the quality of the pic, it was at night and my camera is woeful!
The polka dots were pretty straight forward, I put two coats of RVB Idroluce on, RVB is a brand that Beauticians used to use, I've had mine for ages, they seem fine but I really should dump them! 

After those two coats dried, I got my orange stick and dipped it into Barry M's 47 Black.

I tested out the Zebra print first to see if it would be easy or not, it wasn't too hard to doing my right thumb was harder because I'm not left handed. So I just left it on the thumbs and simple dotted black in different sizes all over the rest of my nails. Some of the dots turned out quite thick so it was annoying waiting for them to dry, when the finally did I just used a top coat of Sally Hansen's Hard As Nails. 

Taa Daa :)