Selections of nail polish, lip gloss & eye shadows
I began watching different Youtuber's raving about how amazing certain products from their range was, so each time I went into town I was sure to pick up something new from Essence. I couldn't believe how cheap the make up was! This is no exaggeration, every product is under a fiver, and for the quality you get in most of the products I think it's brilliant!
Depending on where you live you'll find Essence stands in Pharmacies (drugstores), the likes of Pennys, Dunnes Stores and your local chemist. The ranges can vary. Penny's have got a wide range of Essence products including their new Skin Care range, also coming in at under €5. Unfortunately Essence do not have an online store (you would probably end up paying more money for the postage and packaging than you do for the actual products!) If you're unlucky and can't find an Essence stand you could always opt for Catrice, a German brand, which is not too different in price range than Essence, the products are really well made, and look dearer than they are. Catrice is like the older sister to Essence Products!

My Skin Products
On Xpose recently, it featured a make over with Essence cosmetics only, so it's recommended by make up artists themselves, not just by teen bloggers like myself! The brand isn't perfect though, I did go out and buy their My Skin care products and I don't love them all to be quite honest. I'll post the products I've bought in Part two of my Essence Review!
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